Monday 7 February 2011

The Comfort Zone

On 7th March 2011, exactly 4 weeks from today, I will be walking into a new job and a new life in London with IMG, the largest independent distributor and producer of televised sports in the world, working on a programme called Golfing World.

Right now, I am sitting in my office in Glasgow, alongside my 20 colleagues that make up the entire production company I will be leaving, and trying to shove any thoughts of the big bad world that awaits me to the back of my mind.

It is all about comfort zones, you see. Glasgow, Scottish football, one programme a week; this is my comfort zone. I am known here. I have contacts I can call upon at the drop of a hat, colleagues I can rely on to help me out. I have friends, family and a local bar. I know where I can buy milk after 10pm, how to use public transport and where to get a taxi home at 3am on a Sunday morning.

In exactly 28 sleeps I will be stepping out of that comfort zone and, I'm not going to lie, it scares me.

I am going from a small independent company to the biggest in the business, from producing one programme a week to one programme a day. I will be travelling around the world working at some of the biggest annual tournaments, in one of the richest sports in the world. I will be sharing some of my working days alongside the most famous sportsman possibly to ever grace our planet in some of the most beautiful locations known to the sporting calendar. And I will be doing it all alone.

So, as much as this blog may become my travelling companion or my source of frustration, I hope it will give an insight into life as I know it, whatever it may be and wherever it may take me.